Thursday, May 22, 2008

The beginning of a new me

The days that had gone by after I wrote my last blog have been very interesting. I experienced a very unusual feeling, which I've never felt before and learned so many things about myself. I can't believe that for the longest time... I am at peace and I am happy with the way things are going with my life.
When it comes to my work, everything is fabulous! I learned so many things about our product that will make me well equipped and be ready when I take in calls - alone. I got very good feedback from our SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) and so far I am also getting high grades in my call monitoring. This is new for me.
I also have no problems with my co-workers, I hope. There are times that I'm very careful with what I do and say around them. I really wanted to be friends with them and I don't want them to see my bad habits (if there is any?) and anything that would make them think that they don't want to be friends with me anymore.
When I go to work, I don't feel the laziness or even dread of going to work. I wanted to go to work everyday. To be honest, I love it when I feel this way and I don't want to ask why am I like this now. I don't want to know why didn't this happen before with my 2 previous works.
I'm still sad that my previous work didn't work out as planned but I feel contented now that I got what I really wanted.
I can't believe that I can work my ass off and have fun all at the same time. I love it when i think of all the things that I can do after work. At least now, there is something that I look forward to at the end of the day. I thought, this is the one that I didn't have before. I thank God because after all the failure, He still gave me the chance to prove myself that I can still do it. Yes!!!
I am also seeing myself climbing the corporate ladder here. I was able to let them see and know what I'm capable of and I will make sure that I'll be consistent enough for them to realize that I'm not just impressing them for the time being but I am doing this because i can and will continue doing it for the rest of my stay with their company.
I don't what to be like my old self again. I like the new me. I hope that I can be even a better me in the next months!

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Wow! Time flies when you're having fun. I didn't notice that it's already May. This would mean a lot of things. First, I only have 2-3 weeks before taking in calls for our client. Second, I still have so many debts to pay this month. Third, summer here in the Philippines is almost over. Lastly, I'm gonna be 25 years old in 2 months!

Everything is well with our training. There are times when I get bored or sleepy but at least I understand what the module is about. When I get bored, I just think of something to say that will make everyone laugh or something will make me smile. I got caught day dreaming one time. It was so embarrassing!

Hay! Ang dami ko pang utang! Kay bebe, mohn and HSBC. If you're reading this Mohn, I might not be able to pay you in full yet! hope you understand!

Summer is ending. But for me it's not over yet! Summer isn't over 'til I say so! I still have three weekends of beach hopping! Yippee!

I didn't know that everything will be like this when I turn 25. Well, when I was in high school, I was thinking that I'm gonna be a med student at this age. Which didn't happened... But so far, I'm happy with what I am right now. No regrets... I hope!