Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'm so not OK

Not going to work for 3 days after being suspended is not a good thing to do. I just didn't feel okay and I've been feeling sickly these days. the things that happened to me when I was with etelecare is happening all over again.

I;ve been trying so hard to change things. I've wanted to mix things a bit. Tried to do some new things and would like to start things fresh since I started with 24/7.

I don't want to leave because there are things that I wanted to do. Like enrolling back to college and finish a degree. I'd also would like to prove myself wrong. By writing it here, I guess, I'll be able to end this feeling that I have and move on.

I wanted to be my old self again. A happy-go-lucky person who loves what he's doing and is looking for more thing to have fun with. I'm not like that since I started working in a call center.

How can I pump myself again? If there's something to turn my old self on, I'd like to have that if not sooner. Nothing's cheering me up these days. Noone can boost my morale or even motivate me.

These days I have a "walang pakialam" attitude. I don't like it!

I'll write everything here and forget about what I felt once and for all. I will not read this again ever! I just wanted to publish this for you guys to know what's happening and for you to see if there's any changes from the time I'm done with this.

I have to make some drastic changes. Maybe a change of place, a change of attitude, a change of priorities and a change of routine.

Change of place - i'll stay with my mom for quite some time.

CHange of attitude - I'll look forward in going to work everyday and enjoy every minute of it

Chang of Priorities - I won't change much but I guess I'll have to add something. Family, Lovelife and utilities will be a priority. Going back to school will be a new priority. It's been a priority of mine but i must have forgotten it. But now, I won't and will go back to school next school year.

Change of routine - I won't go clubbing often. I'll go out if I there's an occasion or catching up with close friends. I'll go straight home after work and relax (not stress) and be ready for the next day. I'll make sure that I'm up 2 hours before going to work so that I have time to bathe and commute to work. My friend and i talked about this and we promised not to ride a taxi going to work.

I opened up a saving account and I have to fill it up with money. Just fill it up!

I'll fill myself with hapiness. It's the best medicine right?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Suspension Day(s)

How would u spend your suspension? Is it just like any other days when you're not at work? Should i sit back, relax and let the days go by?

i started the week by going to work at 5:30 am, my shift starts at 6:30. Logged in on avaya and took calls, just like any other working days. I received 2 100% VOC scores, whew! I got a perfect Q.A. score (1 out of 2). Lastly, was out of the phone for about 2 hours (not including lunch and 15 minute breaks).

I ended the working day by drinking coffee at starbucks with my officemates. I didn't get one but was able to get a sticker for my planner (thanks larmi!)! I went home to my mom's house to pay her a visit and of course to buy groceries for the rest of the week. i only hope it will last until pay day.

Tuesday came and there's nothing to do. I accompanied my 4 year-old nephew to school and then went to Shoemart to by groceries and drank, again, starbucks. It was my fourth sticker by the way. Played dance maniax and stayed until 5 pm because it was raining outside and I don't want to be sick and all.

i went to my bebe's house that same day to spend time with him because I'm leaving for Batangas the next day after meeting up with friends.

Wednesday came... Did i say it was my second suspension day? The reason why I got suspended for three days was when I didn't report to work on a critical workday. Our company sets critical workdays for us, employees, not to miss work at least 3 times a week. Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays and Pay days are considered critical workdays. You are not allowed to be absent on those days or else you'll get suspended. just like what happened to mwah!

I went to starbucks (again!) to meet up old friends of mine to catch things up. by the way, I got my fifth sticker. I only have 11 stickers left to fill. Hah! We talked about things that happened in the past. Planned an out of town shindig (heheh!). Updated ourselves on the juiciest gossip at work and many more. We also went to Dencio's to drink a couple of SML. I had a blast. It felt like I didn;t resigned and it felt like the old days. haaaah! Ah well!

Mohn and I, in our most challenging role as Taong Bayan !, went to Gateway Mall after. he thought we're watching a movie but i just wanted to roam around and do nothing. I didn't have money kasi. I don't want to withdraw another sum from my savings account. Which I did on tuesday, I withdrew 1,400 pesos. I'll return it promise!

After eating at what they call a foodcourt in Ali Mall ( it really doesn't look llike one, I'm sorry!) I went straght home and packed. I'm sad because I didn't get the chance to do a proper goodbye to my bebe. I'll miss him while I'm in Batangas. i arrived here at around 6-ish.

I'm staying at my sister's house. I stay here if I want to escape the city life. I'll stay here 'til Saturday and go to a friend's birthday at Palawan 2 in Cubao.

So that's how I spend and will spend my suspension. I'm suspended from tuesday until thursdays and I have a paid leave on friday. Let me know if what I did is good or should I spend it differently. So far I'm enjoying every minute of it and hope nothings wasted.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I've been working for about 3 years and this is the only time that I was able to open my very own savings account! Hooray! My "Bebe" have been telling me dozens of times to open a bank account. I had enough money before. Why didn't I do it before? Did I listen? Do I ever listen to anyone or even to myself?

The last time I did something that will benefit me in the future was? Wait! Did I hear something? What? Is anyone there? Oh! Nothing! What? Nothing! Hmmm!

I asked myself, Why now? Well, this is the only time that I had a chance to open a savings account. Do you consider this an excuse? For me, it's a semi-excuse. I don’t know!

They are times when we do something and we say, I should’ve done this before. And then this came to my mind, I wonder how much money I was able to save if I did this before.Arrrgh!

Well, there’s nothing I can do now. It’s good that I started it than not starting saving up a little at all. Every centavo counts.

We should be saving money for rainy days. Who knows, we might need a huge sum of money in the future just like what happened to me before! Yikes!

Save up you guys! Start it today! Don't spend too much on things that you don't need. Try buying things that will last long. As they say, one time big time is good. Before thinking of splurging, ask yourself first which things are worth splurging on.

Think about it?